Friends, I apologize. I know that I’ve been neglecting you, kind newsletter and blog readers. I only registered today just how badly. (Hmmm, look at all those member only posts…)

Yes, I’ve been cranking out the member posts, practical deliveries of the monthly planner and week in magic posts. But I haven’t been doing a good job of making more general content. In fact, I probably have about 30 draft posts right now, things I start but that go cold. I think I have a useful or interesting idea and start to write and then it just starts to all feel like shit.

This is due, in part, to some personally emotionally challenging family difficulties and also to the generally difficult and painful environment that we’re all living in right now. The type of practical, proactive, pick-yourself-up-dust-yourself-off vibe that I give off (it’s my brand sure, but it’s also just my personality and the way I’m wired) feels a little hollow right now.

Who am I to tell anyone to kick ass and make their dreams come true when everything seems to be falling apart? It is disingenuous to say that magic can make your life better when the world is on the cusp of war? Am I fraud for suggesting that positive change for good can work? I’ve been sad and down and I guess I needed to come to terms with that. And it’s only been recently that I think I’ve started to do that.

Because despite all of that external stuff, we continue on, living our lives and doing our work. We aren’t changing the world… and yet we are. We are changing our little world every day. And in that light, I think that a practical no-nonsense approach is really useful right now. Not because it isn’t sad and painful and doesn’t hurt… but because it does, so what can we all do right now to re-ground and re-enchant ourselves, our households, and our communities.

This weekend was gloriously atypical spring-like weather. We spent some time cleaning up the yard, free ranging the chickens, and hanging out on our deck. I made flan from the last of the autumns eggs. It felt really good and healing. And that’s the key. It’s the little things that we do — for ourselves, our families, our communities that have the power… and they always did. So that’s what I’m going to focus on this spring and summer. Small magics. Little miracles. Incremental improvements. Minor spirits. Near term goals. Local change. Close connection.

That’s going to be my theme through the coming months.

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