Hey friends! So, we managed to kick off the new year and I don't know about you, but I've had to hit the ground running! QUICK NOTE: Are you able to play the videos on the portal and the free courses? If not, please let me know ASAP at [email protected]. Thank you! TL;DR Version: The February Planners are now live on your Inner Circle Portal. In addition to the printable planners and the digital calendar file, I'm also going to start including the old school .csv data file. It turns out that some of you weren't just using that file as a basic calendar import, but were also using the data in your own spreadsheets! And how can I deny other spreadsheet nerds? So if you want the raw monthly data, download the February Data file (.cvs format). However, if you are importing into your digital calendar, I highly recommend using the February Digital file (.ics format). The calendar format allows for more advanced features and is compatible with more calendar apps and programs. This means I'm publishing four different files every month and two every quarter. That's going to get messy quick, so expect a redesign of the page […]

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