The other night I was laying in bed doing some pre-sleep meditation / journeying when this came into my awareness, entirely at once, as a small ritual. It was like a direct data download and so I though I’d pass it along, best as I can using words, in case it is of interest. I think one of my goals for CT for the coming year is to be more practical and forthcoming about magic, in terms of actual ritual and spell suggestions. I’ve had a lot of feedback that this would be helpful, particularly for members (but, as always, not exclusively for members). This is a start to that…

Open to Me the Wisdom of my Feet*
Open to Me the Wisdom of my Gut
Open to Me the Wisdom of my Heart
Open to Me the Wisdom of my Head
Open to Me the Wisdom of my Crown
Open to Me the Wisdom of my body that I may be in the world in Wisdom

(Reach for / touch the part of the body in question. I’ve been playing with starting in a crouch and standing up but also just pointing down and then arching the arms over the head. Note that the first time, lying in bed, this was all imaginal — I saw myself doing this rather than doing it, but I like moving and gestures in ritual).

Open to Me the Wisdom of my Feet*

My feet know where and when I am. They ground me in time and place (all time is a matter of place) — position, direction, space. They connect me to the Earth and therefore to all beings that are from the Earth (persons of all kinds — humans and non — spirit and matter). If you find yourself feeling lost or adrift magically, then reprioritize grounding in your practice (singing this song is optional, but it does work).

* Important: This need not be literal. If you don’t have feet or do not stand, then this knowledge will be in the place that you connect to the earth, depending on how your body works. You might change this to Open to Me the Wisdom of my Grounding. This knowing is still available to you, as to us all.

The best way to feed the wisdom of the feet is to put the feet or body on the bare Earth, so that the Earth can speak directly to the body though ionic communication. The way to honor the wisdom of the feet is to act in ritual, moving and rotating so that you embody the wisdom of position and direction.

Open to Me the Wisdom of my Gut

My gut is the seat of my instinct — literally my gut feelings. My gut knows what is safe and dangerous, what is right and wrong. My gut can guide me on my right path when my mind is confused. My gut powers me, but it also directs me to healthy and right choices. My gut contains multitudes and reflects whole of the universe inside me. Gut is more than just stomach, the gut includes the many neurons and the microbiome that lives there — more than the sum of its parts and incredibly important for health.

The best way to feed the wisdom of the gut is to literally feed the gut healthy and nourishing foods in order to feed the tiny universe and build a healthy inner community. The Gut (the Solar Plexus) has long been associated with the self and the sun. The way to honor the wisdom of the gut is to hymn out to your helpful spirits and to make right choices. When you feel unable to be yourself, then recommit to centering. Note too, your elimination is divination from your gut and you can and should speak directly to your gut.

Open to Me the Wisdom of my Heart

The heart is how we envision our future and how we bond with other beings. It’s hope and desire and, above all, love. Our heart allows us to feel and express all the emotions that make us alive (joy and sadness and anger and pain).

The way to feed the wisdom of the heart is to open it and allow it to feel. That means risking being hurt and being vulnerable. But it also means reserving your heart for highest callings and best connections. Love is the food of the heart and when we love others and accept their love — and when we love ourselves — we feed our heart and honor its wisdom. Love compounds and increases: you give it away and get more of it back. You also need to care for your heart. Feelings are real and heartbreak is real so nurture your heart emotionally as well as physically.

Open to Me the Wisdom of my Head

The wisdom of the head is about processing sensory input from the rest of the body and using logic and understanding to navigate the world. If the feet are where you are and the heart is where you want to go, the head is how you get there. Our society places primacy on the wisdom of the head, to the exclusion of other wisdoms.

Feeding the head is about giving it good data and information. Garbage in, garbage out. For all its power, the head can be easily tricked and confused. The very best food for the wisdom of the head is the output from the other body wisdoms — where you are, what you desire, how you feel, your higher self — but also the output of what the world is telling you directly. If whole foods are best for the gut, then whole unprocessed information is best for the mind. To honor the head you also need to clear it from chatter so that it has time to think and process. So yes, meditation, but also relaxing in silence, taking quiet time to think, and allowing your mind to ponder while your body wanders (I’m a huge fan of this kind of undirected walking meditation).

Open to Me the Wisdom of my Crown

The last seat of wisdom is the crown, like the crown chakra. This is the wisdom that comes from the non-physical, but still very real, spirit body. This wisdom is about deep knowing, and comes from our ancestors and future descendants, our guardian spirits, and our higher self. Our spirit body is what mediates these messages and allows our physical form to access them. There are lots of trendy terms (astral body, aura, etc.) but the key is that you are a spirit clothed in matter and your spirit body is important to and connect to your physical body.

Feeding the crown is about faith and prayer and honoring spirits and ancestors. It’s about taking your knowledge of physical connect to the world (the Wisdom of the Feet) and extending it outward to encompass all the spirit beings, beloved dead, angels, Gods and Goddesses and so forth. It’s also about protection. You have an obligation to yourself to keep yourself protected and safe. When you feel buffeted by external forces, refocus on shielding in order to protect yourself.

A note on the parallels to the Chakras. So, obviously this has parallels to the Chakras and you could expand it to include groin and throat and have the full set. I’m just relaying what appeared to me during the meditation. I do think that these wisdoms are more about how we receive information and that the groin and throat are more about how we project into the world… so maybe this is about what we are taking into our systems through the body. I don’t know.

This is the first time I had a download like this since the spark of information that resulted in the Lunation Rite (lunar day meanings = Greek virtues = Orphic Hymns).

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