For me, the theme of this astrologically impeded summer seems to be about journeys of various kinds.

First, I had the chance to do some international travel for work. It was a great experience capped off with a visit to my favorite spa in all the world. I’d like to point out that Americans are getting completely scammed when it comes to massages. The mild and modest kneading that passes for massage here is not what people in other countries get to enjoy.

Second, I will be traveling next week for a short trip purely for pleasure. This is primarily a break for the kid, who’s embarking on some major journeys of his own but also a chance for me to see one of my dearest friends. She’s flying out to meet me and I’m all kinds of excited.

Third, I’ve been on a journey into my past recently — which has taken the form of both positive (nostalgia) and negative (trauma) elements. As a positive example, I recently had a dream about a bowl that I had when I was a little girl. It was small and had a weird little handle and I loved it dearly. It was my special bowl, the last of four that my mom had from long before I was born. When I was sick, I ate her healing soup (which always had parsley roots sticking out of the pot and looked just like witch’s brew) from this particular bowl. I took it with me when I moved out, but it broke during a move early in my adulthood and I remember being pretty sad about it.

That said, I hadn’t given the bowl a thought for decades until last week when I dreamed that I was trying to get a local artisan to make me a replica. I saw the bowl so clearly in my mind, but the artisan wasn’t seeing it. When I woke up I was inspired to leverage my Google-fu on the issue and am now the proud owner of one of these: The one I got was in mint condition and just arrived yesterday and it is the exact same one from my childhood.

Fourth, I’ve been noticing a lot of people in the professional realm moving on to new things lately. This isn’t a journey I’m currently taking, but it seems part of the theme. Maybe during times of planetary stress (oppositions, squares) personal stress manifests in the willingness or ability to make life changes. Maybe the push and pull of the planets really does make people questions where they came from and where they are going.

Or maybe it’s just me?

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