Big Goals Require Big Plans
Practical Magic >> <<Project Management


Doing Big Magic

If you have a major goal, one that’s going to take six months or more to accomplish, you need more than luck and a quick spell to get through it. You need to combine the tools of the project manager with those of the magician. This book will walk you through how the occulted art of project management can make your magic stronger and help you reach those big goals.

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    You’ll learn how to:

    Create a big magical goal and achieve it

    Initiate your magical project, including a template and framework for an initiation rite

    Manage your energy, conquer your task list, and get this done

    Understand the nature of magic and change to improve your life with magic without blowing it up

    Just because it’s hard
    doesn’t mean we should stop trying
    to achieve the BIG goals with magic


    Go big or go home!

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