Taxes fucking suck. So I’m having a Taxes Fucking Suck sale on all my services through the end of June! That’s enough time to get your taxes back… and help me pay mine!

First, go take a look at the services I offer
Anything look interesting? Because from now until June 30, all of my divination is 25% off! That includes my Multiverse and Black Swan as well as the major Life-Crafting divination (which is enough data to honestly change your life). It even includes my mini-divinations — even more affordable for the next few months. Just use the paypal links below instead of the ones on the services page.

But even more amazing, I’m offering my PMPM consulting services at 33% off through the end of June as well. That’s a $50 an hour savings to work directly with me (skype, phone, or in person if local) on defining and meeting your goals. Your own professional project manager, with bonus magical experience. And that price will be good for as many sessions as you want through June. So you want to meet monthly? Weekly? Every morning? (ok, maybe not every morning)
I can work with you directly and with an NDA I can work on behalf your company or nonprofit as well (barring certain industries where I have a non-compete in place). For consulting, please email me directly with a short statement on what you’re looking for.
If you’ve been thinking about working with me, but haven’t been ready to commit, this is the time.

Divination — 25% Off Now!

The Black Swan Divination

— See what shocks are coming in your life and what to do about it now —
If you want insight into what surprises are in store — and more importantly what do to about them — this is the reading for you. Based on the work of Taleb — be the Farmer and not the Turkey!

Full Version
The Black Swan looks at what’s coming (and more importantly what to do about it) across a number of life areas of your choosing.  Complete report or skype consultation.

Results delivered by:

Mini Version
The mini version focuses on a single area — the unknown unknown. Complete report.

The Multiverse Divination

— Forget about fortune telling… Create your fortune —

It’s a reading unlike any other you may be used to. Instead of telling you “what the future holds” you approach it from the other way around: Decide what future you want. Then we’ll find out how to get there.

Full Version
Submit your goal and your best ideas for reaching it. The reading will point you on your best path to success. The reading will also suggest other ways you may not have thought of. Complete report or skype consultation.

Results delivered by:

Mini Version
Start with the goal and work backwards to the starting point. Complete report.

The Life-Crafting Divination

— Can’t decide which reading is best for you? Get the best of both! —Save money when you combine the readings and get a single comprehensive result — craft the life you want.

Full Version
Multiverse and Black Swan Divination combined. Create your fortune and craft your life today! Seriously comprehensive report (you will refer back to it again and again) or a detailed skype consultation.

Results delivered by:

Mini Version
Mini-Multiverse and Mini-Black Swan. Pinpoint accuracy for your best life. Combined report.

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