This evening I found myself in an interesting conversation about, well, archons… but without using the WORD archon. We were discussing war and how, far from being human nature, war is anti human.
See, love, hate, anger, caring, anguish, joy… those are all human emotions. They require intimacy — with each other or even with ourselves. They require seeing others as human and are fundamentally about BEING human. Yes, even when I kill you. The woman and her lover are being human. The jealous rival who slays them both? Also human. Even two gangs or armies fighting on the streets or the battlefield… human. Crazy, misguided, foolish humans all. Not saying that killing is good, mind you, but just that it’s part of what humans have inside; one of the myriad choices we can make. Even indifference. Choosing not to care about you or your decisions or choices still doesn’t invalidate you as a person with decisions and choices. The act of fighting or ignoring or loving or hating you, is about you as a person and me as a person. Human nature includes all those things, bad and good.
But the people who make wars happen? Who foment them? Those people are the opposite of human. Because they aren’t killing people because they hate them. They aren’t sending people to kill other people because of people at all. Because they don’t see the people they are embroiling in war as human, neither the “enemy” nor the “ally.” They’re just chits on the board, pawns in the game, means to an end.
One of the characteristics of all beings (human or not) is that they recognize their own kind. The Salmon spawning, the Mole it its burrow, the Lion on the savannah, they know their own. Even when they fight them. Even when they kill them. To not recognize your own means that you can’t relate to them. Which for social animals like ourselves means you can’t relate to yourself.
That, my friends, is the opposite of being human. And that’s what archons are. Whether you take archon literally in a Gnostic or Invisibles “monsters wearing meat suits” way or in more of a Christian “sold their souls” way, or even as a metaphor for people fundamentally lacking in empathy like sociopaths… it doesn’t matter. Because humans who can’t fundamentally see others as fellow humans, not even to hate them, aren’t human themselves. They are anti human. And that is a sin. The Sin.
More and more anti human behavior is being foisted on us. Digital spying, drone killings, robot dogs with gun mounts, lockdowns, disconnection, distancing. I see these entities who look like people, but they are empty. They don’t know how to love… or even to hate. They only know how to amass: money, power, likes, and above all more anti humans.
Don’t fall for it. This is the only thing worth fighting against and we don’t do it with bombs, we do it by being the best humans we can be. By connecting and engaging and empathizing. By fighting for. To do that we need to be less divided and chose love over hate, because hate and division are the tools the anti humans use to keep us weak. (“Not by killing what we hate, but by saving what we love” ~Quote from objectively the best Star Wars movie and I will not be taking questions at this time)
I love us all, fellow humans. Yes, even you, Trump-supporting drunk uncle at Thanksgiving (you miserable bastard).