Hey Friends,

In an effort to meet my personal goal of more blogging, I’m going to start doing a monthly round up post on my current project status and plans (public accountability for the win!) as well as recommendations and suggestions.

First of all, the M.A.G.I.C Goals course is going really well! We’re getting really great questions and I’m excited to discuss everyone’s goals in our office hours / Q&A time next week. This course is part of a larger methodology for combining magic and PM skills and I think the next course is going to be on Cycle Planning and Task Magic (which is how you actually get stuff done to reach your goals). It will be a similar format (live / recorded sessions and office hours) — plus if you take any course, you can join into the office hours throughout the year.

In addition to the ongoing sigil exploration (see my free guide and recent post) my most recent obsession is narrative enchantment. I’ve been pondering how we tell the stories we need to hear in order to move through the world. I think this is especially critical as the dominant narrative reaches the pinnacle of PTSD-inducing levels of horror. The stories we allow into our personal space can help or harm us as we work on living an enchanted life. I’ve recommended Aidan Wacher’s Weaving Fate before, but his black book is an excellent introduction to and experiment in narrative enchantment.

Finally, I want to point you to my friend Tim’s new cartomancy website: http://cgfortunetelling.com/. I recently had the opportunity to get a reading from him and found it very helpful and useful. I think that I’m typical in that there are times / topics where I have a hard time reading for myself. His reading style is very “Read Like the Devil” intuitive and he works with multiple different decks. He was also kind enough to share the following link to get a discount when you book a live reading session with him: https://cgfortunetelling-5.youcanbook.me/. Tell him I said hi!

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