Agile, Personal Project: EBER (2017 - 2020), Practical Magic Project Management
So, let’s talk a little bit more about the component parts of a major agile project like the EBER project. At the highest level, your project contains goals, plans, and deadlines. However, we now know more about how each of those things is handled.GoalsThe...
Agile, Personal Project: EBER (2017 - 2020), Practical Magic Project Management
One of the things that appealed to be most when I first learned about Agile was that they had epics and stories (and themes too, though I don’t usually work with those). Since I take a narrative-focused view of life and magic, it makes sense that these terms...
Agile, Personal Project: EBER (2017 - 2020), Practical Magic Project Management
OK, for those of you who work for a company, does your company have a mission statement? Do they have values? Do they articulate some annual or quarterly vision? (Quick Googling is allowed here).Odds are they do (this is what E-staff do on all those off-sites and...
Agile, Personal Project: EBER (2017 - 2020), Personal Project: Ivy (2016 - 2017), Practical Magic Project Management
For my birthday this year we took off for the coast again. The same place we went two years ago. Of course, Gordon recently wrote about how you never step in the same river twice and no place you return to is ever the same… that said, this particular house was...
Agile, Agile New Year, Personal Project: Ivy (2016 - 2017), Practical Magic Project Management
I started my year-long personal PMPM project in 2016 on the autumn equinox. Therefore it’s time to take a final look at what I wanted to accomplish before the project wrapup and post-mortem.Of course, what I want to accomplish is less interesting (except to...