Well, it’s that time of year, isn’t it? When it seems like every single small business emails you to tell you about their nifty products and services and suggest that you might like to buy some all of those things for the holiday season.

I’m going to do something a little different… I’m going to tell you my plans and goals for the coming year and how I will use Circle Thrice products to achieve those goals. Because the truth is that every single thing I offer is something I first created for myself. Not just to try out, but to use regularly to, frankly, save my own ass.

I’ve said it before, but I’m not naturally super organized. I’m a textbook under-achiever, a master procrastinator, and both lazy and shockingly unorganized. The reason I’m such a good project manager is because I saw skills and tools and realized they could help me a) build a successful career and b) get my own shit together! And when I started to see how to combine it with magic? Boom!

NOW I’m the kind of person that people say “she’s on top of things” and “she’s super productive and organized” and “she had cancer treatment and never missed a deadline” about… and the whole time my imposter syndrome is saying: “If only they knew the truth! It’s the project management – with a big dose of magic to get me through! I’m a fraud!”

Brains are funny… not ha-ha funny.

The truth is that if these tools can help me, they can help anyone. And if no one ever wanted another product I offered, I’d still use those tools for myself.

And this is how I’m going to use them to get through 2022…

Goal: Keep from getting cancer again (this is my number one life goal from now on). I need to really commit to new healthy habits and I’m going to use a whole new set of tools, magical and mundane, to make that happen. This Habits Magic project was something I was already developing before I got sick and I’m ready to start some wild experimentation with my ideas and want to recruit some folks to help me. Not just for health mind you, but for any kind of habits you want to make to change your life. Look for an announcement on this in January.

Goal: Double the number of Circle Thrice members by offering timely and useful content. My members already get the monthly planner and weekly magic updates. They can also get free flash sessions to chat with me personally. This coming year, I’m going to be expanding my offerings even further…

  • First, starting in January, I’m going to be providing the planner data as a downloadable file that you can import into your personal digital calendar (Google calendar or Outlook or whatever app or tool that will take an import of raw .csv data). This is going to help me as much as any of you, since I don’t want to carry the planner everywhere all the time.
  • Second, I’m going to be focusing on practical magic suggestions for the enchantments I suggest. This is something I’ve had lots of requests for, not just what to do, but HOW to do it. I’ve always been of the mindset that the power of the planner is that it’s path agnostic… you can do whatever type of magic calls to you in line with the astrology of the day. That won’t change, but I’m also going to be providing detailed ritual and spell suggestions based on my own practices (I wouldn’t suggest something I don’t do myself). The reason I can fit a lot of practical enchantment into my frankly, pretty busy life, is that I have a modular format for workings. I’m going to start sharing that format with members, including various options for customizing it to make it your own.
  • Finally, members will be able to get discounts on my individual consultations (in addition to the free flash sessions).

In order to accomplish this, I’m going to need to lean on the planning hard. I want to continue to provide high quality content… just more of it. Oh, and there won’t be any tiers. Everything will still continue to be the same cost. (By the way, if you would like to help me reach this goal, then consider becoming a member and if you already are — thank you! I love you! — share your experiences with others who might be interested.)

Goal: Discover my best path forward. I’m currently at a crossroads in my life… the world is changing and I want to flow with it to build a better future. I can see big changes coming in my life and I need to decide what future I really want (again) and how to point myself toward that future (again). This is a process I’ve gone through before, but you aren’t ever really done crafting and manifesting your life. It’s a process and I’m going to be kicking off that process again in January.

I’ll be using all the tools in my giant Planning is Magic course but with additions based on what I’ve learned in the intervening years. That would make for a really massive course (and it’s already huge, detailed, and expensive). So instead, I’m going to rework it into a series of mini courses on the various elements of complete top down planning — from identifying core values to creating doable goals to getting shit done every day. I’ll be going through it myself, so why not share the process with others? And folks can take whichever classes they think will be most useful for them personally.

Goal: Keep building my long-term client list. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my client work and I particularly love working with my long-term clients because we can dig really deep and work on things over time. Now, I don’t expect to work with my long-term clients forever. In fact, if someone felt that they needed to keep working with me forever, that would be a failure on my part. I want to empower people to take these tools, adjust them for their own lives and goals, and then run with them. It’s amazing to see that happen for people! And while it takes work and energy and impacts my schedule, I just get so energized by it. That said, in order to do this, I’m going to need to get even more organized. I already got a new booking tool that will allow you to buy a pack of hours online, at the discounted rate for LT clients, and then track them for us, so you know exactly how many you have left. This is so nifty and will save me a ton of bookkeeping. So more time to help you, yes!

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