December is Live!

The December planner is available. This month includes a new Magical Overview page, which we need because December has a LOT going on.      Also, I continued the first part of the month with a version for those in Asia and Australia who were on a different lunar day...

And we have a winner!

That was quick! Several of you noticed that the header on my timing page table still said October and the first email I got is the winner and they have a response from my in the email. I also got some other formatting feedback that I very much appreciate! I want to be...

A contest…

I noticed today that I mistyped something that creates a mismatch in the November Planner. Don’t worry, the magic is still correct!          But I hate this kind of typo (we all make misspellings and the like, but this is different), so the first person who...

November Planner

This month’s planner has extra pages for those in Asia and Australia, for whom the mid-month new moon falls on the following magical day.   Look for the monthly page and later weekly pages labeled ASIA / AUSTRALIA:...

Tell me how it’s going

Hi friends!  First, thank you for all your support! I really appreciate it and want to make the monthly planner as useful as possible. I’ve already incorporated most of the suggestions I’ve received, but I’d like to formally request feedback on...

October Planner Live

To view this content, you must be a member of Ivy's Patreon at $10 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this...

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