This is day four of my nine day Yule novena of amazing stuff! This one is free to my members, but available to anyone who wants to fit more magic into their lives. Less crafting spells and more spellcraft! My Modular Magic Framework Course.

Everyone can benefit from creating a framework of reusable ritual elements that they can roll out at a moment’s notice. Here’s how I did it:

  1. Identify common elements of magic
  2. Pick easy pieces that you can reuse
  3. Figure out how to test spells and rituals to make sure they will work for you

I started this work some years ago and it’s brought me huge benefits. That’s the whole secret sauce right there. But maybe you’d rather just get busy with the magic. Well, this small, self-paced course includes written lessons that outline what I do and why and gives examples you can steal outright and use in your own enchantments. It’s short and compact and efficient — just like the magic you want to do.

I’ll be posting something new until the solstice, when I have a big announcement for my membership for 2023. After that we’ll be back to our normal, less frequent (and less marketing) content.

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