First of all, apologies for spamming everyone with a member-only post yesterday. I blame Mercury retrograde! I was trying to announce a collaboration with my friend and fellow magician Nate Binford over at, which impacts my membership, but included cool information for everyone.

Nate’s a shamanic healer, astrological magician, and just all around cool guy. He has this great podcast series on using magic to fulfill your dreams and change your life and I recommend you check it out. In addition, he does a monthly podcast on lunar mansion elections outlining auspicious time to create lunar mansion talismans. This amazing resource is FREE and I recommend that all of you subscribe to his youtube channel anyway, but he’s also graciously allowed me to integrate his lunar mansion elections right into the planner. So folks who are Inner Circle members, will see those changes starting this month.

Yesterday, I had an interesting conversation with one of my long term clients. She commented on how she was taking her own magic/healing clients deep into their desires, needs, wounds, etc. And I pointed out how deep we’d been going into her own desires and values. It’s like the call she was feeling to go deep was reflecting the call her clients were feeling… which circles back to the push I’ve personally been feeling to also go deep. We are in resonance with one another, all vibrating at the same kind of frequency; one that calls us to explore what we really want and need and care about. And I have my own resources I go to support my own work just as she comes to me and her clients come to her.

I have a policy of not talking publicly about my clients’ without their express permission, but I can tell you that there are commonalities in the processes I see at work in all our lives, including my own. First, there’s a kind of a reckoning of where we are now and what’s good and bad about that. And then there’s a examination of what we really care about — our values and deep desires. Finally, this work results in goals that come from our own wellspring, rather than outer forces (guilt, acceptance, conformity, pressure). Magic and planning tools can help support this process, but they aren’t the entirety of it.

See, you can use enchantment to manifest all kinds of things and you can use project planning to help you meet any goal you might set for yourself. But if you are manifesting the wrong things and achieving the wrong goals… well, you end up in a place that you don’t want to be. And if you find yourself someplace that you do want to be, you need to examine the urge to make changes. Does it comes from unfulfilled or thwarted desire, or from a sense that what you have and what you are isn’t enough?

Finally, we’re seeing a lot of chaos in the world around us and people are rightfully nervous about what that might mean for them. Uncertain times call for even deeper work into what our purposes and goals are. So if you are feeling scared or confused or freaked out by everything that’s going on, go deep. Whatever happens you won’t regret it.

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