I am wrapping up my EBER project (though I’m fond enough of the in-joke name — Early to Bed, Early to Rise — to reuse it for a future project) and feeling the challenges of a difficult 12th house profection year. It’s honestly been much more triage than I’d like, both because of external circumstances and just a lack of energy. The 12th house is the house of isolation and illness and for me this seems to be manifesting as a persistent exhaustion as I seem to be fighting off round after round of colds (and the inevitable accompanying headaches). Also, I’m seeing more clearly how the Old King Cole of Jupiter in Sagittarius has transformed into the Serious Father Figure (this is for your own good) as he visits Saturn’s dark kingdom.

I mentioned on the newsletter how I’m doing some interesting journeying work around the 12 zodiac signs. I’m working on visiting the kingdom of each sign as the sun enters it during the year. I’m currently visiting Aquarius and thinking about the symbolic act of tracking and watching the stars. This aligns nicely with my somewhat hermit-like focus this year.

I’m currently halfway through this profection year, and if I ever doubted the power of this ancient astrological idea, I never will again. Since I’m not in a very active profection right now (12th house Cancer ruled by the Moon). For the last 6 months, everything has been more about looking ahead to the next phase of life. And if I had any doubts about this, lot of external things are lining up in the exact same cycle.

If you are considering starting a big life project, you could do worse than think about what profection year you’re in. Chris Brennan has a great intro video about it here. As with anything astrology, there are multiple deep layers you could dig into, however to start with, just knowing your house for the year, the ruler of the house and which house that rules is in in your chart is pretty useful.

If you are old enough, you can do a great exercise where you look back at what happened during similar profection years in the past. For example:

12th house:
When I was 11 — Finished grade school, visited Germany that summer (turned 12 in Germany)
When I was 23 — Finished last year of college, got married
When I was 35 — started job after “dream job” imploded, moved to the house in Shadow Valley, moved to the city I now live in

1st house:
When I was 12 — started Junior High School (first time I ever got bad grades)
When I was 24 — started first post college job, moved away from my home state for the first time
When I was 36 — got first PM role, the year of the housing collapse, lost job, unemployed for 5.5 months, started post collapse PM job

7th house:
When I was 18 — met the man who I married and who’s still my husband today
When I was 30 — started my “dream job” (the one that imploded) had the kiddo (who’s still my kid today!)
When I was 42 — started the CircleThrice blog (and some private family stuff that’s relevant but not for public consumption)

This is a really interesting exercise by the way, and not the easiest one to track if you were born in the middle of the year. For example, I can see that 12th and 1st house years seem to go together to mark big shifts in my life. And I’m seeing that this year as well.

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