I’m sitting on my back deck, overlooking the yard. This past week I was traveling (for personal reasons this time and not for work) and while the trip was good, I’m very glad to be home.

These are the longest days and every year I’m surprised anew at how very long they are. This is probably in part because I grew up in New Mexico, where the longest days are a little less long and the shortest days a little less short. Something about that has imprinted itself on me (along with the idea that the year starts in Autumn, after the hot dead season of summer) and so once again, I’m amazed at how very late the sun sets at this time of year.

There’s something about these very long days that makes time seem to go slower. I’m waking up early and settling down late and every day is an age of green and gold. Naturally, you can’t steal time (which is why daylight saving time is so silly). Sure you get it on one side, but you have to return it on the other. These long, slow days are balanced by short ones later in perfect symmetry. As we reach the halfway point of the year (which is the case whether you are having long days like me or very short ones on the other side of the planet) it’s a good time to reevaluate the plans you made at the start. Are you still on track? Did everything go sideways? Have your goals changed entirely?

If you haven’t dusted off the plan you made then and taken a good look at it; if you haven’t been verbing the plan the whole way through, well now is the time. Changing to plan is good, changing your plan is also good, if you do it consciously and thoughtfully. What’s not good is going through the trouble of making a plan and then nouning it like a museum artifact.

If you are an Inner Circle Member or follow my Next Week in Magic substack, you know that the week of the Solstice is one for planning and resetting and renewing. Here’s a list of questions to ask yourself:

  1. What did I want to accomplish back in January (did I write it down, where did I write it down)?
    Reminder, people who write down their plans are way more likely to accomplish them, so maybe grab a pen?
  2. Did I accomplish it?
    Fuck yeah! Take a moment to bask in the glow and celebrate… OK, moment over, let’s go!
  3. If yes, do I have a new goal to plan?
    Congratulations! You wanted to do something and you did it, that’s magic right there! Lean into your success and figure out what’s next. Nothing can stop you now!
  4. If no, why not? Is it because…
    • I was smoking something and my entire plan was silly?
      Fair enough! This happens! Make a more sober (lol) plan and keep planning along.
    • I thought that was what I wanted, but things changed along the way?
      Totally happens! No harm, no foul! Use what you learned and the changes that happened to course correct and plan anew.
    • I was blocked by something and haven’t really figured out how to remove the block?
      Shit! Maybe brainstorm (journey, divine, enchant) to remove the block.
    • I was derailed by bitter circumstance?!
      That sucks, I’m sorry… but it honestly happens and you can’t beat yourself up! Instead, make a new more realistic plan for the near term and enchant your way to better circumstances.
  5. What lessons can I take from the last six months that can inform the next six months?
    This is the trick! Use what you’ve learned to plan better going forward. That’s how you get better at planning and better plans.

Whether your days are long or short, this coming solstice is a great time to check in on your plans and get set for the rest of the year.

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