I have about five unfinished blog posts and every time I send out a membership post or a newsletter, I feel guilty about neglecting the blog (yes, I’m aware that this is unhelpful and silly… thanks brain!). So in the ultimate blogging cheat, I’m going to talk about WHY that’s the case.

Last week, I posted a thread on Screechbird… er, I mean Twitter about astrological magic. My key point was that whether you are empowering a strength or mitigating a weakness, astrological magic is super empowering and useful. But while true, your personal astrology still exists and can impact you. Acknowledging that can be really helpful as you think about the natural cycles and rhythms of your life. Here’s an example from my own chart…

I have my Sun in Leo in the 1st… AND I have my Moon in Cancer in the 12th. The large-scale practical results of this is that during Cancer season, just after the Summer Solstice, I find myself going deep inward. I’m thinking. I’m processing. I’m working on feeling my feelings. Then, like clockwork, the Sun enters Leo and all that processing redirects outward. This year, I returned from visiting my Parents in New Mexico just after Cancer seasons started and it’s literally taken weeks of contemplation and personal processing to get to the point where I want to say much of anything to anyone. I keep starting blog posts and then… well petering out.

Then, like a switch flipping, the floodgates opened and I’ve been bursting with content. That thread I mentioned came out on the 23rd. The August planner went out just as Leo season started and there’s been bonus member content as well. I’m planning a party for my birthday with a TON of people (I didn’t even know I knew that many people). I’m wrapping up a giant writing project and trying to kick off a new experiment on the site as well.

All those blog posts, which a few weeks ago were just undoable gooey ideas that would not solidify are now coalescing. I’m going to need to schedule them ahead so that I don’t just inundate you with ALL THE CONTENT in August that’s been clumping up.

I did a quick and very unscientific analysis of my blogging history and I see this pattern year over year. There’s a busy period in June and then July is very quiet. But we kick back off in August. The exceptions are times where I knew I was creating content in advance. This year now only was I processing my visit with my parents, but I was also doing a lot of deep emotional work. So the cycle was even stronger.

And it’s not just a trend in my internal life. On Saturday, my husband and I were invited to see a modern dance performance. We met a friend for dinner, took a walk, and enjoyed the excellent performance. That’s something that hasn’t happened — that honestly hasn’t been able to happen — for a long time. So of course the invitation came in Leo season!

I wouldn’t be ME if I didn’t make this realization somehow practical or useful. In this case, I was pondering how I could schedule future summers to take advantage of this. For example, relaxing quiet vacations (beach visits, camping, etc.) could happen in July while more exciting things (city visits, parties, events) in August. I should probably create more content in June and preschedule it for July. Retreats and the like in July. Concerts and conferences, August. Staycations, July. Energetic travel, August.

Take a look at your own rhythms and patterns. Do you sleep in the summer and wake up as soon as the leaves change? Do you want to nest during the Christmas season or party? Is March WOO-HOO Spring Break! or look, baby plants in the garden? Of course, it might vary year to year, but I bet at least some of those patterns seem to be set in your life. And that means the more you can embrace that and go with the flow, the better. You don’t even have to know why (it is astrological, seasonal, habit) to benefit from being conscious of it.

I’m busy as can be this week (of course) but will be creating content and putting it aside for future internal / quiet times.

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