It’s day eight of my nine days of Yule. Back a year or so ago, I was a guest lecturer for Damian and Amaya Rourke’s Living Enchantment class. She interviewed me about setting goals that were both smart (aka doable) and magical. This was a concept that I’d been working on for a bit, but it was still in its nascent form.

Well, I’ve expanded the concept, and refined it, and now I’m ready to put it into the world! This is going to be a live course. A lesson will drop every week and there’ll be live Q&A sessions and a forum for questions. We’ll workshop and refine our goals together and kick the year off with a bang!

The first lesson will drop on January first and there’ll be a final lesson (and goal launch ritual) on the 22nd.

You might be aware that Mercury is going retrograde on December 29th and direct again on January 18th (my members certainly are). This means that New Years is not the best time to be kicking off your goals and projects this year. BUT, you can start planning your goals now and hit the ground running in January! That’s what this course is about.

And bonus, existing members will get the course for free (hint, sign up and enjoy the $50 course as part of your membership!).

Learn more and reserve a place in the course (members are already reserved) here.

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