FAQ – Avoiding Personal Interjection in Tarot Reading

I get the best questions from the kind folks who buy readings from me. One had to do with how I avoid putting my own personal interpretations onto my readings. This is a really valid and important question. The types of readings I do often have a characteristic of...

FAQs about My Pro Services

First of all, thank you so much for all the interest in my first official Proccultist service (and thanks to Jason Miller for that nifty term — he gets all the credit). A couple of people had questions, so I thought I’d put up a quick FAQ.This is exactly...

Solve for X

So, you’ve done your root cause analysis and know where your problem starts. That doesn’t necessarily get you to a solution. Take our example of Bob, who can’t afford his house but loves the school district for his kids (from the linked post, go read...

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