Mind War: Part Seven — Beware the Narrative

Narratology was birthed in the mid-60s as a spinoff of linguistics. The field started with a structuralist or definitional approach (universal elements or themes of narrative, definitions of narrative elements, etc.). In the past couple of decades however, the field...

Sustain-ability: Redundancy Case Study

By the way, this is officially my 100th post!Our house came with a new, but very cheap, electric coil stove. After six year of heavy use (including a great deal of canning, which involves large heavy pots full of water and glass jars filled with stuff) it began to...

Mind War: Part Six — All My Little Boxes

This post has taken a really long time to finish. In part it’s because it’s been a rough couple of weeks, both out there in the world and in my household. It’s also because I’ve needed to employ the techniques in this email quite heavily during...

Sustain-ability: The Economy Sucks, Suck Harder

Back in 2010, I picked up a book from the library called: Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take it Back. The title has been changed (to be more buzz-word worthy I suppose) but I prefer the original. This is a book that would naturally appeal to...

Suffering From a Touch of Apocalypse

I’m traveling this week and, oh god, the jet lag is brutal. Usually, I do fine with it. Certainly, Europe is easy and even Asia is doable (though so confusing as it’s like a DIFFERENT DAY than back at home). Typically, the first day is fine, it takes...

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