Mind War: Part Twelve — Welcome to the Panopticon

Mind War: Part Twelve — Welcome to the Panopticon

I was a spectator to an incident that involved someone violating someone else’s privacy online and then using the excuse (in public, mind you) “nothing is really private on the Internet anyway.” Now this is interesting because, on the one hand this...
Sustain-ability: The Dishes of Life

Sustain-ability: The Dishes of Life

When I was a young woman, I had this theory that I called “the dishes of life.” It was a modern take on the Zen “before enlightenment chop wood, carry water….” The idea being that no matter what weirdness or enchantment or, yes,...
Gentle gentle gentle

Gentle gentle gentle

Sometimes Mercury retrograde is an annoyance that I barely notice. Sometimes it comes with challenges, but only of a certain flavor (like miscommunication or technological glitches or travel annoyances). Rarely they are very, very hard on a number of different levels....

Mind War: Part Eleven — Making Sense

You didn’t think the mind war had ended, did you? Reading an article recently I was struck by the English language idiom “make sense.” This phrase has three definitions: make sense a) to have a clear meaning and be easy to understand Read this and...

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