Well, well, well. I thought I might make it through my 12 house profection year reasonably unscathed (or at least no more scathed than the rest of us), but with a month to go ahead of my birthday, I guess not so much.

So this year was always going to be a challenge. My 12th house is in Cancer, ruled by the Moon, which I also have in Cancer. We have the last of the Cancer / Capricorn eclipse cycle. The start of this year was also the Saturn return of my challenging initiatory experience where Saturn conjoined my natal North Node again in, you guessed it, Capricorn. So lots of potentially tough energy.

I suppose I should be thinking of these transits as psychological — impacting my inner life. This would be easier if I hadn’t just been diagnosed with breast cancer (hmmm… according to a quick google search, the breasts are associated with the sign of Cancer). My prognosis is good, and honestly I couldn’t be in a better place to get through this (secure and understanding job I love, really good insurance, new house with room to heal, supportive family, etc). So similar to my last initiatory experience, it will suck, but it will be the right suck at the right time.

If you think it’s weird that I’m looking at recovering from cancer as an initiatory experience, well, I ask you how else should I look at it? I’m also not approaching it as a secret, because keeping secrets stresses me the fuck out. Anyway, now you know. And in case you were wondering:

  • You don’t gotta be sorry I have cancer (unless you gave it to me, which I’m sure you didn’t). It sucks, but I’m fine and plan on being and staying fine. No moping allowed.
  • Prayers and healing magic are always welcome! Good thoughts ditto. Go nuts! I will be putting out prayers of gratitude to all of you because you are all lovely awesome people.
  • Advice is my love language. If you want to give me random advice, please feel free. I may not take it, but I won’t be annoyed by it. I’ve already received and acted on some suggestions that came out of weird magical synchs that people have had.
  • You’re also always welcome to buy my stuff!
    • My availability for consultations may get more limited through the end of the year and I may need more flexibility (this is why I don’t have a cancellation policy). But if you want to work with me, I’m still available for readings, consults, and long-term engagements (remember, advice is my love language and that’s why I love the consulting work I do).
    • The Planning is Magic course is now completely automated, the price didn’t go up after the initial round, and you can pay half up front and half later. Plus I added nifty bonus videos that touch specifically on using the course in difficult economic times.
    • I’m going to be putting out a new Magical Planner every month, plus weekly pages, through my Patreon. Plus I’m considering rolling out the Magical Habits Course as a series of mini lessons through Patreon as well. So more for your money and all that.
    • And of course the Lunation Rite, which is a month to change your life for a dollar a day.

I’m going to enter my first house year next month carrying this diagnosis and treatment plan with me. And as my focus shifts from my lunar side (Moon in Cancer) to my solar side (Sun in Leo, Leo rising) I’ll be thinking about self, need, desire, and above all healing.

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