Sustain-ability: The Dishes of Life

Sustain-ability: The Dishes of Life

When I was a young woman, I had this theory that I called “the dishes of life.” It was a modern take on the Zen “before enlightenment chop wood, carry water….” The idea being that no matter what weirdness or enchantment or, yes,...

Life is Too Short to Eat Shit — Media Edition

As I mentioned before, one of my personal maxims is that life is too short to eat shit. And it turns out that even the Pope agrees with me.So in thinking about self-imposed limits on media, I’ve been subjecting everything to a smell test. If it smells like shit,...

Sustain-ability: Bitches Get Shit Done

So, for the past couple of weeks I’ve had reason to be a bit emotionally under the weather — sad even. The reason doesn’t matter. But due to a couple of techniques, I’ve been in the upside position of being able to objectively evaluate what...

Sustain-ability: The Other Option

This is a personal story about how the modern world isn’t set up for sustainability and how we managed to get around that fact recently (and I promise every word is true).Our household has two cars, both paid for, and both a bit long in the tooth. Our older...

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