Sustain-ability: Making Things Ourselves

Andrew made a comment on my last post about handmade things being one of those nice things we can still have. I agree, but with one caveat. Buying handmade has been co-opted and to avoid that pitfall, you need to buy carefully.Etsy is a perfect example of this trend....

Sustain-ability: Nourishment

This is not the first time I’ve talked about nourishment here on CircleThrice. But I feel like it’s particularly important to revisit this concept right now as the Western world seem increasingly, well not just empty, but outright deprivational and harmful...

Sustain-ability: Home Economics

When I was in middle school, in the late 1980s (yes kids, I’m old), HomeEc was for losers. Seriously, it was an easy A for girls who weren’t smart or ambitious, who’s life goals involved marrying an airman so they could escape our shitty little town...

Sustain-ability: Neutral Territory

Could not have picked a better week to leave the US in favor of Switzerland. I haven’t seen any TV or news since leaving home and am better for it. And during the most emotional, the most fraught day in recent US history, I will be flying (staying coherent...

Sustain-ability: Real Things

Wait, didn’t I say I was unplugging?Why yes, yes I did. However, it’s unlikely that I’ll be able to stop writing. If I don’t blog or journal, my brain starts doing this endless churning. Did you even read the advice that you should keep a pen...

Sustain-ability: Too Much Shit

I’ve written previously about the death of the middle class. One of my points was that it’s hard to find mid-level quality items — everything is either really expensive or it’s shit… and there’s no shortage of the latter.Since we...

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